• Lifestyle

    “Surprise, I’m Pregnant!”

    You ever watch those surprise pregnancy videos that are all the rave? It’s either someone is pregnant telling their unsuspecting families, or the families already know they are pregnant, but don’t know that they are really having multiples! Either way, they are a joyous and exciting time. I love to watch reaction videos of the soon to be grandmother. In one clip they are taking a family picture with a camera set to a timer. Everyone quickly gets in the frame and the expecting couple tells everyone “say ___ is pregnant!” Most of the family is oblivious to what is going on until someone catches on and everyone is screaming…

  • Breast Cancer,  Faith,  Lifestyle

    Happy Birthday To Me!!!

    Wow!!! I really turn 39 today! Am I the only one that looked up and wondered where the time has gone?! Like, wasn’t I just 25?? Being a cancer survivor has given me a whole new perspective on birthdays. Granted, I was grateful for every day God gave me, but I had a skewed vision surrounding today. Let me paint a quick picture for you… Before breast cancer, my birthday was just another day. I would go to work, maybe have dinner with family and friends and proceed into the next day like the last. I had a sort of  love-hate relationship with my birthday. For a long time, I felt…


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