
I Took A Walk Today

It is always so interesting to me to revisit old places I haven’t been to since before diagnosis. For the last 2 years I have exclusively worked from home, thankfully when I went back to work after my lumpectomy (March 2016) my equipment to work from home was waiting for me! Just this May I started working 1 day a week in the office, sharing a desk with a fellow colleague and then a few weeks ago I actually got my own desk again! I didn’t think I would consider these milestones in my cancer walk, but each of them signifies something different. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try to put into words what I saw as something so trivial before and now opened my eyes to… me.


I Took A Walk Today

I took a walk today.

Not just from my car, into the building, but I took a walk today

It’s hard to fathom I have been back in the building since May, got my own desk again in October and here, I just took a walk today

I didn’t plan on this walk, it kind of just happened

What once was my daily routine, became an incessant reminder of things previous

Once a welcomed break in the day, now seen riddled with snapshots of aching truth

It’s crazy what your mind pushes out in order to save itself sanity

Things and people, you once held sacred now seen as dead weight shed

Today the want to see old stomping grounds outweighed the fear of change

Just 2 years ago I was given the flag of remission but my mind is just catching up to its wave

This walk wasn’t planned or coerced

It felt like a long time coming but hesitantly accepted

How do you tell yourself no to places once familiar and jovial, that now seemed dismal and desolate?

This walk took me to places unchartered and waters never seen

Places once frequented for its treasures now sit as reminders of things passed and past

New faces line the registers of shops spent in leisurely

Once staples now sit commercially

On this walk I found myself

I found where I was then and appreciated where I am

Tears brimmed my lids with thoughts of past walks and visits and conversations

5 years doesn’t seem like a long time to make memories huh?

When you feel a year of your life was stolen, you learn not to miss

When those 3 words were given, I wasn’t thinking about these past walks, only my journey ahead

2 years later, and this walk I took today takes on a whole other meaning

Where things were, they still are but different

Things have been added or taken away

Life really does move on huh?

To think I hadn’t taken this walk in over 2 years and nothing missed me

This walk didn’t land me at Cheers

No one knew me, everyone a stranger

The aromas reminiscent of years past now make me see how far I have come

How far had I come?

Where would this walk lead me?

To freedom?

To truth?

To pain?

As I wound through halls undaunted by my presence and flowing with blank faces, I walked

I walked different now

I smiled different now

My stride

My posture

My seat in life

All different

What those 3 words took from me, I can never get back

Time, energy or people

It has all ended me on this frightening, exposing yet exceptional journey

One that I don’t think I would have had without them

Life does ebb and flow

We learn to duck and dodge

To shun and deflect

I’m not sure what is next or where it will take me,

But I’m so glad that I took a walk today


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