Breast Cancer,  Faith,  Lifestyle

You Should Just Do It!

Hey Hey Hey!

I am sitting here in a small coffe shop thinking of all the things I want to accomplish and see come to fruition in 2019 and I am blown away with how much I have already moved toward those goals. You ever have a moment where you just sit and look back? You know those moments right? The ones where you can’t believe where you are because you thought you hadn’t made any progress?? Yeah, that’s me right now!

One of the things I want to accomplish this year is to roll out a product for those of us in the cancer space. I just left a meeting with a friend of mine that is a designer and we have a few things brewing! I came up with this product idea shortly after I finished active treatment 2 1/2 years ago. I thought then it was too far fethced to create anything from scratch let alone something people would want to purchase! After revealing my idea to a few close friends and family, it became clear that my idea which I thought was too far out there was actually something needed in the marketplace. Ahhhh! Just those few conversations gave me the fuel I needed to push forward. It feels so great to finally see my idea unfolding. We are still in the beginning stages but it feels great to show and explain my vision and have someone help me see it come to pass! I am elated!!

Let me be honest though… If you would have asked me a couple years ago if after diagnosis I would want to pursue this and some of the other things I plan to accomplish this year, the answer would have been absolutely not! I thought I would have just lived on as a survivor, continued to share my story and kept life moving! I mean, I knew through my survivorship I wanted to help other young woman who were facing breast cancer, I just didn’t know how or what or when or who!

Being diagnosed with breast cancer and facing surgery, chemo and radiation made me see where there were holes for people like me in the process of beating cancer. I had a phenomenal oncology team from start to finish, but so many things were geared just for the “regular” bc patient who is usually over 60 and white. I didn’t fit that bill! But it made me determined to see changes after I finished my whole process and make sure that other young adults and African American woman facing breast cancer don’t have to face those same things as well.

Here I am 3 years since diagnosis and I am so grateful to have attended conferences with various organizations, gone through numerous advocacy trainings and met some of the best people in the space of breast cancer! I guess I wanted to share this time in my journey because if I am honest, breast cancer has taken so much from me. Where to start?! But it also taught me that life is too short!! Listen!! These goals, visions and dreams that I have need to come to pass to help others. I am determined now more than ever to see these dreams and visions I have come to pass!

Here is the thing y’all, I know I am not the only one that has a desire to reach, help and inspire others that have faced similar troubles and hardships! You see where I am going right? I’m hoping by now you have seen the same for yourself. Even if you haven’t faced breast cancer, you have faced something. We have all gone through something and made it through it. Guess what? There is someone right now where you were waiting for you and your story to know that the can make it too! You have things that you know you have to get done and accomplished, you should do it!! That dream, that vision and that idea – get it done! You can do it, some one needs you to fulfill it!

All right, back to building my dreams!


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