Breast Cancer,  Faith,  Fitness,  Lifestyle,  Weight Loss

In 2019 I Resolve…

Have you said yet that you don’t believe it is already New Year’s? Where in the world did 2018 go? It seems like it was just the summer and I was basking in the sunshine!

When I think of the New Year, I usually don’t make resolutions because I usually end up breaking them. I know I cant be the only one! It seems we set these resolutions with the intent to become a better version of ourselves just because it has struck January 1st. I have fallen victim to it as well in the past. Wanted to lose 20 pounds in the first 3 months, stay on track of my home and what is required to keep it up, wake up early and go to bed early, and so on and so forth.

Let’s be honest… it doesn’t work! I think because we have this unrealistic approach to goals and tasks in our lives just because it is a new year. What has worked for me is setting realistic goals in an appropriate time frame. So instead of 20 pounds lost in 3 months, maybe 5 pounds a month. Small manageable baby steps!

Why do I bring this up? Because I think it is important going into this new year, that we take an honest look in the mirror and see what we to be in the new year and devise a plan to get our goals and tasks done. You know the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? We are much the same. What we desire to accomplish in the following year can totally be done but we have to not set ourselves up for failure. We have to be face them head on and know where we are.

So, if I had to give few things I want to accomplish in 2019 they would go something like this:

I. Continue to produce content for This Exceptional Journey blog, podcast and YouTube channel.

Now that I am back on track with content creation across the board, I am determined even more to bring you guys on this exceptional journey with me. I have gotten so much positive feedback surrounding the podcast, it has encouraged me to keep pushing to create and share my story with others! And yes, I do have a YouTube channel of the same name. I haven’t really promoted or made it public just yet. I am still learning the ins and outs of yet another new beast to learn and conquer. Over the next couple of weeks I plan to edit and upload all of the videos I have and create even more. Stay tuned!

II. Write and publish at least 1 book

Guys, really… I have wanted to write and publish a book for so long now. About 10 years if I really am honest. I have started and stopped so many times throughout the years its really crazy! And the reality is there are people I believe could benefit from hearing my story. Some just need encouraged to keep up the good fight. I have so many book/ novel ideas I just need to sit still long enough to get my words to paper and then to print. Easier said than done, but this year I am up for the challenge!

III. Develop a more active and healthy lifestyle through clean eating, exercise and proper rest

I know this year a healthy lifestyle will be so crucial to my endurance and stamina. I know I can’t stay where I am in regards to my inactive lifestyle and eating/drinking habits and be the best version of my self! Now, don’t get me wrong, over the last year or so I have worked out on and off for a couple of weeks and but then I would be over it and do nothing. I know I can’t be the only one! But in 2019 I resolve to be more consistent and keep my goals my main motivation. Keep an eye out for the transformation!

IV. Become more active in my local community through networking and volunteering

Although I am active in a few national breast cancer organizations in a volunteer capacity, in 2019 I want to do more in my own backyard. There are non-profits here in my city I would love to volunteer at and some great people I would love to network with. This will be a big push for me, but I think it will be critical to my over all growth.

V. Spend more quality time with family and close friends

Who doesn’t want to spend more time with there peeps, right? Because I am usually on the go or out of town, I don’t get a lot of time to spend with those I love. I think your tribe is so important to your overall success and motivation. 2019 will be all about being on purpose with spending quality time with my tribe and continuing to love on those that love me.

As you can tell, I determined to see what I resolve to accomplish. These are just a handful of the goals I have for my self going into the new year, but these 5 represent the most important to me and I will be putting my whole self into each of them. I really hope you all had an awesome 2018, and that 2019 will be even better! See you guys in the new year!

Your’s expectantly,


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