Weight Loss

  • Breast Cancer,  Faith,  Fitness,  Lifestyle,  Weight Loss

    In 2019 I Resolve…

    Have you said yet that you don’t believe it is already New Year’s? Where in the world did 2018 go? It seems like it was just the summer and I was basking in the sunshine! When I think of the New Year, I usually don’t make resolutions because I usually end up breaking them. I know I cant be the only one! It seems we set these resolutions with the intent to become a better version of ourselves just because it has struck January 1st. I have fallen victim to it as well in the past. Wanted to lose 20 pounds in the first 3 months, stay on track of…

  • Fitness,  Weight Loss

    Get In Shape Girl!!

    You know the moment –  you go to the doctor’s for a routine physical, they tell you to step on the scale, and you are still overweight like you were last year? Yeah, me too! I don’t recall when I allowed myself to be the heaviest weight I have ever been, but I have been here for some years now, and I am over it!! Now… I am gonna preface this post by saying up until I was in my 20’s, I played competitive sports. Literally, from Kindergarten to my 2nd year in college, I played some type of sport. Soccer, softball, basketball, track & field, volleyball and even dance and piano in…


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