
  • Breast Cancer,  Lifestyle,  Loc Life

    Hair After Chemo – Starting my Loc Journey

    I have had natural hair (meaning free of any texture altering chemicals) since 2005. I was a woman who loved a good relaxer! I always had a fresh bob cut on deck and at the sign of a kink in my roots, would not hesitate to slap some of that lye gook in my hair. After my Dad’s head on car accident in December 2004 though, my hair fell out due to the stress and an underlying condition I didn’t know I had – Hyperthyroidism. I lost a ton of weight, and my hair was falling out in clumps! Needless to say, the well-coiffed shoulder length wrap that I was…

  • Breast Cancer,  Lifestyle

    Haylee – Losing my First Cancer Friend

    Cancer is a strange, cruel enemy. When I heard the 3 words “you have cancer”, I had no idea what my future entailed, or even if I would still be here today. It is something that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy! Through my journey thus far with cancer, I have joined organizations and support groups that have helped me tremendously with life as a young cancer survivor. Through the ups and downs and everything in between, it’s these that have given me hope, great information, and been a support when I felt like no one understood what it meant to be a cancer survivor in your 30’s. Enter…

  • Breast Cancer,  Faith,  Lifestyle

    Blogger? I Know, Right!!

    I know, I know… A BLOG??? I asked myself the same thing! Who is gonna read it? Will I make an impact? Will I even connect to anyone? I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit scared to start this blog, but, here I am! I have had the desire to start one since I was in college. Back then, blogging wasn’t as sophisticated as it is now.  It was more of a way to journal your thoughts in a safe, controlled space  – since I had been journaling and writing poetry since I was a teen I thought, why not?? All right, fast…


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