Breast Cancer,  Lifestyle,  Travel

Hello Orlando! 2018 YSC Summit

This weekend I was in the sunny, beautiful Orlando where I was attending a young breast cancer survivor/thriver conference called the YSC Summit 2018 hosted by Young Survivor Coalition (YSC). Every year, they bring together women under 45 that are survivors or are currently battling breast cancer. I attended the conference last year for the first time, and I definitely couldn’t wait to return this year. When I came across this organization through information my surgical oncology team gave me, I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. Since my diagnosis and all throughout treatment, YSC has been where I found tons of information and support.

Being new to the breast cancer scene last year I didn’t know what to expect of the conference. What would it be like to be surrounded with women who know exactly what you are going through? Would the ladies be friendly? Would I spend the weekend isolated and to myself? Would I learn anything new or gain any new insight from the daily sessions? All this and more I played over and over in my mind and the closer it got to the conference, more nervous I became! I decided to go with my mom to have a piece of comfort just in case any of my worries rang true. We both ended up having a great time! The sessions were enormously helpful and they even had a co-survivor track of sessions for those who support their loved ones through breast cancer. And the women were amazing!! I felt right at home talking and interacting with the women who I felt knew this new me best!

This year a very close friend Julia (hey sis!) and I went to the conference. I am so grateful to have a great support system of loved ones who walk this breast cancer journey with me! We were both excited to get to the conference. I couldn’t wait to hook back up with the ladies I met last year (hey Beth and Wendy!!), and to meet so many more ladies that are a part of the club we never wanted to join!!

Now that I am back from the conference and had a little time to sit with the experience, I have a few moments that I am grateful for. It was amazing being able to see a fellow survivor Anna from last year to this year. My mom and I met her at the Sephora “Brave Beauty” classes where trained Sephora employees taught us makeup techniques such as eyebrow shaping, applying eyelashes and eyeshadow techniques. (Sephora also teaches these classes locally, I will link the website below!) At first, I didn’t recognize her because last year she didn’t have any hair. To me she looked completely different, so I only recognized her voice and it did my heart so well to be able to see her again. I asked her if she remembered me and my mom from the Sephora makeup class and she said yes! It was so awesome to see her; her hair was growing back, and she was smiling contagiously. Last year was not that way. She was talking about the tough road she had been on and what she had been through. I was so glad to see her and that she was doing so well!

Other moments I loved were being able to see a few of the ladies from last year, Beth and Wendy, getting to spend time with my fellow YSC ladies from good ole Pittsburgh, and even get to hang with my fellow Young Advocates with Living Beyond Breast Cancer!! Beth and Wendy were 2 of the ladies I spent a lot of time during last year’s conference. They showed me the ropes of the conference and made my first experience with YSC a great time! Although I missed doing dinner with them Thursday night, we did have a chance to spend time with each other at the infamous Saturday night dinner and themed dance party YSC has every year!

I got to attend the conference this year as an “experienced” survivor and take in more of the logistics of the conference vs last year where I was attending as a fresh survivor looking to glean and learn at every turn. That in mind – I thought, “how could I extend my thoughts and opinion of the conference?” So, I listed a few pros and a few areas where there is room for improvement of the weekend…

First, the goodies! The greatest points of the conference:

– The ability to be with women like you even if for just a weekend. They understand what you are going through/have gone through and relate to your story and everything that comes along with it.

– The track sessions they plan touch on major issues that young women with breast cancer face. From faith, sexuality, finances, career and they even have a track for co-survivors which speaks on topics from their perspective.

– They offer counseling classes the whole weekend for anyone that wants to have a sit down one-on-one with someone. The classes are free and are with licensed professionals.

– During the duration of the conference, meals are included, usually provided by the host hotel. They are health conscious and aren’t usually skimpy.

– The YSC staff members are present at the conference as well; from the CEO to the Regional managers, on down to volunteers. They are very helpful and hospitable.

– For those who find themselves in a financial bind, there are travel grants that are offered to those who qualify. It covers the majority of a participants travel expenses from airfair to an Uber ride.

– The hotels where the conferences are held are top notch – usually 4 or 5 stars and the staff members are pretty hands on if we need anything.

– The selection of vendors they chose to have are spot on with the need of the conference participants. A room full of companies or individuals who are in the breast cancer fight somehow or another.

– Through the conference networking is done – of ideas, products and other organizations. If you are looking to advocate beyond yourself, this comes in handy.


Now, possible improvements of the conference:

(As you can tell, there’s not much to “complain” about!)

– There is no downtime scheduled into the days with sessions. Once you are in and the conference is started, you’re kinda in for the day. It may be advantageous to stretch the conference to Thursday and end Sunday and promote more self-care for downtime – spa, mani/pedi, massage etc.

– Because of the niceties and pricing of the hotel where the conference is held, many breast cancer patients and survivors can’t afford to come to the conference.

– Some of the tracks were repeats from the previous year, even if they were taught by someone different.. some of the classes could still be repeats, but freshen up the line up for those who come year after year. It will retain more people.

– There were no ethnic specific sessions DURING the conference. There was something for diversity, but it happened even before the conference kicked off meaning unless you came early to the conference you missed it.

– There were no meetings or gatherings for those within your state or city. No connecting with your city peeps and definitely not on the state level.

– No identification of who the state leaders are, not recognized at all or have people pointed in their direction even if via email. Maybe put them in the “program” so ladies know who their local connection is after the conference is over.

All in all this year was another for the books. Not only did I get to go with Julia and have her experience the conference and the amazing ladies I am journeying with, we even got a little time to have some fun in the sun! I am a more informed and happier young breast cancer survivor because of YSC and the Summit. If you have a chance to attend this conference I say do it, you won’t regret it!

See you next year in Austin!


P.S. Head over to my Instagram account to check out all the great times had this weekend!

YSC Summit

Sephora Brave Beauty:

One Comment

  • Kate

    So awesome! I didn’t know that this conference existed, but I am always a big fan of fun & empowering get-togethers. It’s intriguing that the conference isn’t more accessible financially. I wonder if they would consider streaming certain pieces to make them available to those who are struggling with medical bills.

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