Young Adult Cancer
My Cancer Collage: Things I Honor & Highlight with My Personal Cancer Experience by Katie Dudas
Hello, my name is Katie. On the morning of Christmas Eve in 2019, I received the call that I had breast cancer. Not the ideal Christmas present. The news came four days after I was laid off from my full time job. To say my whole world changed that December is an understatement. What would follow would be months of tests to diagnose me as stage 2b, determine a treatment plan followed by 12 rounds of chemo, a bilateral mastectomy with partial reconstruction, 28 rounds of radiation, two upcoming reconstruction surgeries, and hormone suppression medication for the next several years. Whew! That’s a mouthful. I was also lucky enough to…
Cancer, Statistics, and Coping with Uncertainty by Lisa Murphree
I used to love statistics. I loved how I could use statistics to understand my world and guide my decision-making. For example, knowing that seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat passengers by 45%[i] is great motivation to wear one. Being aware that running for one hour could add seven hours to your life[ii] makes you want to put your running shoes on. Thinking that you are doing the right thing is comforting, and it is satisfying when statistics confirm your decisions. From my late-twenties and into my thirties, I thought that if I did all the right things – exercise, eat right, maintain a healthy…
If I Knew Then…. What I’d Tell My Pre-Cancer Self by Pam Sachs
I’ve always heard the saying, “If only I knew then what I know now!” Like most people, I’ve had this thought plenty over my 30-something-year-old life. For example: “Gosh, if only I could go back and tell myself how silly I looked that whole year of middle school when I refused to wear any color but shades of blue!” It was my signature color, after all. Still, it’s strange to finally have the opportunity to pen a letter to yourself detailing the things you wish you would have known, particularly through the lens of a cancer diagnosis. First and foremost- some background for those who don’t know me. Hi, my…
Welcome to the Club – Advice & Suggestions for Someone Newly Diagnosed by Liz Hiles
When I was fighting for 2 years prior to receiving my bladder cancer diagnosis, I knew something was wrong. I knew it. The ER docs kept running tests and saying there were no signs of infection, yet still, I was supposed to believe that I had a UTI or bladder infection. Repeatedly. I questioned it, repeatedly. Still, I was brushed off. I remember asking, “Don’t those things resolve with medications? This is not resolving, it’s getting worse.” “Well, just try this and come back if it doesn’t go away,” I was nonchalantly told. I pleaded that this was me already coming back. How is it the patient’s responsibility to figure…
Dear Cancer… Sincerely, Me – A Letter to Breast Cancer by Nicole Cox
Well, hey there all! My name is Nikki Cox and as a 2x Breast Cancer Survivor at the age of 35, I am sitting down writing my first blog ever, so bear with me please, thanks!! Briefly, to give you a little history of myself and how cancer comes in to play, I’ll start with a slight back story before diving right on in with my letter to “Cancer!” At the age of 30, year 2016, I was living my best life, dating my then boyfriend (now husband) Marcus for 5 years, had our now 7yr old daughter Ava (2yrs old at the time), and my 10yr old stepdaughter Laylah…